When an employee is promoted, everyone wins. The worker takes the next step in their career, and your company retains a trained, experienced team member. As an employer, you can mark the occasion—and reinforce how much you value your workforce—with a thoughtful celebration.

Benefits of a promotion celebration

The money you spend on a promotion celebration can pay dividends for years to come. It’s a simple way to show your appreciation and recognize an employee’s success. The event also sends a message to the rest of the team, letting them know you’re invested in their professional progression.

Supporting and showing gratitude for employees increases morale and engagement, which boosts retention and improves team building. According to Gallup, it also leads to:

  • Increased work productivity
  • Reduced burnout
  • Lower absenteeism

5 promotion celebration ideas

A memorable promotion celebration is personal—it’s tailored to the employee’s specific preferences. An extroverted worker may love a public celebration; while someone more introverted may  prefer a gift and minimal fuss.

Use these ideas to turn a promotion celebration into a special occasion:

  1. Host a team lunch. Celebrate an employee’s accomplishment by treating the entire team to lunch. Offer your congratulations, and thank the person for their hard work. As you plan food options, make sure you consider different cuisine and dietary preferences. For large teams, it’s often more convenient to provide a free lunch at the office. Without travel and transportation challenges, employees can make the most of the time together.
  2. Provide public recognition. Publish a piece on the promotion in the company newsletter, website, or social media platforms. Mention the employee’s achievements and wish them luck in their new position.
  3. Give a gift. Help the employee get settled in their new job with a thoughtful gift. If they’re moving into a new office, for example, order a custom nameplate for the door. Other ideas include company swag, a gift card to a local coffee shop, or a wall plaque.
  4. Colleague appreciation. When your employee’s promotion moves them into a new department or a leadership position, ask team members to write thank-you messages on individual cards; you can also collect the notes into a keepsake book. To make the messages more meaningful and memorable, mention specific accomplishments, anecdotes, or positive characteristics.
  5. Upgraded equipment. A promotion comes with more responsibility. Help your employee stay on top of their tasks with a new desk, computer, tablet, or phone.

Make every promotion celebration memorable with Grubhub Corporate

Food is one of the best ways to upgrade a promotion celebration or team event. With Grubhub Corporate, ordering is quick and easy—schedule a catered lunch or invite employees to select their own meals. Set individual budgets and remote workers can participate, too. All meals are charged to your account or the company credit card for efficient accounting.

Your corporate account includes access to Grubhub’s network of restaurants, providing plenty of options for other promotion celebrations and ordering occasions. To streamline your corporate ordering, get started today.